The PIRE will fund 10 PhD student “3 + 3” packages. The first “3” stands for three years of PIRE-funded financial support, which will be matched by one year of UCI-funded support to bring the total to four years of support for each PIRE-funded PhD student. The financial package will include a 49% stipend for all three years, domestic fees for all three years, and out-of-state tuition for the first year, assuming all students are domestic. The second “3” stands for a one-time three-month trip to Australia, which includes: (1) $3000 for a round trip ticket; (2) $6000 for room and board in Australia; and (3) $10,000 for research supply money. The 3+3 package will be awarded on a competitive basis to students who apply to the PIRE as part of their graduate (PhD) application to UCI.