Amir AghaKouchak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)
Hydrology, climatology, and remote sensing

Amir AghaKouchak, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)

Asal Askarizadeh
Graduate Student, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)
Asal’s research interest is focused on urban hydrology. She joined the PIRE program in 2012 and currently working in professor Stanley Grant lab. She started her PhD studies with understanding the impact of urbanization on stormwater runoff hydrograph and how Low Impact Development (LID) implementation could return the impaired hydrology to the more natural condition. To this end, she developed a statistical change detection framework to quantify the deviation of post-urbanization stormwater runoff hydrograph. This work inspired her for writing a review paper on how using LID could address the symptoms of urban stream syndrome, which got published in Environmental Science and Technology journal in 2015. Currently, she is working on management of nitrogen export out of urbanized and agricultural watersheds, which is one of the remarkable symptoms of urban stream syndrome.
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Asal AskarizadehGraduate Student, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)

Brett Sanders, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)
Hydrodynamics and water quality in rivers, estuaries, and the coastal ocean

Brett Sanders, Ph.D.Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)

Jack SkinnerCity of Newport Beach (USA)

Jochen Schubert, Ph.D.
Assistant Specialist, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)
Jochen (Jo) is a GIS and hydraulic modeling Research Specialist at UC Irvine and Data Manager for the FloodRISE project. He joined the Sanders Lab in 2009 with the objective of studying the effects of fine- resolution geospatial data on predictive skill and computational efficiency of hydraulic models. His aim is to gain a better understanding of the data needs to characterize the complex hydrology of build and natural environments, allowing for advances in flood prediction, flood risk management and watershed sustainability.

Jochen Schubert, Ph.D.Assistant Specialist, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)

John KappelerCode & Water Quality Enforcement Division Manager, City of Newport Beach (USA)

Karen McClaughlin, Ph.D.
Biogeochemist, SCCWRP (USA)
Karen McLaughlin is a biogeochemist specializing in nutrient cycling and source tracking in streams, estuaries, and coastal waters. She received her B.S. in Geosciences from Penn State University in 1999, and her Ph.D. in Geological and Environmental Sciences from Stanford University in 2005. Karen joined SCCWRP in March 2007. Her current research falls into four areas: 1) understanding factors and processes controlling ecosystem response to anthropogenic nutrient loading, 2) monitoring ocean acidification and understanding the local drivers thereof, 3) determination of “natural background” sources and cycling of nutrients via atmospheric deposition, groundwater inputs, assimilation, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification, and 4) development of indicators of eutrophication in estuaries and streams.

Karen McClaughlin, Ph.D.Biogeochemist, SCCWRP (USA)

Kristen Davis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)
Physical, chemical, and ecological process modeling

Kristen Davis, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)

Matt Burns
Ph.D. Candidate, Resource Management & Geography, University of Melbourne (AUS)
Matthew joined the Department of Civil Engineering at Monash University as a PhD candidate in 2009. He graduated with a degree in environmental engineering and recently completed post-graduate studies in river health management. Before commencing his PhD research, Matthew worked as a graduate hydrologist for SKM Consulting. This role focussed predominately on a variety of flood hydrology projects.
More info about Matt
Matthew is involved in the Centre for Water Sensitive Cities through his PhD research (The Impacts of Urbanisation on Catchment Hydrology and Opportunities for Stream Health Restoration through Focussed Catchment Retrofit), which links into two different areas:
-the Little Stringybark Creek Project, within the Ecosystem Dynamics Program, and
-Project P4 (Stream Ecology), within the Cities as Water Supply Catchments Program.

Matt BurnsPh.D. Candidate, Resource Management & Geography, University of Melbourne (AUS)

Megan Rippy, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)
Fate and transport modeling; pathogen removal in biofilters

Megan Rippy, Ph.D.Postdoctoral Researcher, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)

Mike Stewardson, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, Univeristy of Melbourne (AUS)
Freshwater ecosystem management (environmental flows, river restoration, environmental monitoring), River science (ecohydrology, ecohydraulics, hydromorphology), Water resources (environmental water, water sharing, river basin management)

Mike Stewardson, Ph.D.Senior Lecturer, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, Univeristy of Melbourne (AUS)

Morvarid Azizian
Graduate Student, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)
I am interested in developing models for hyporheic exchange that can assist in the restoration of urban streams, and the design of natural treatment systems such as wetlands and biofilters. This project will link together mass transport theory (Professor Stanley Grant, UCI), direct numerical simulations of turbulent and particle-laden boundary layer flows (Professor Said Elghobashi, UCI), and experimental measurements of hyporheic exchange in laboratory flumes (Professor Mike Stewardson and Australian Research Council Fellow and Professor Ivan Marusic, University of Melbourne).
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Morvarid AzizianGraduate Student, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCI (USA)

Perran Cook, Ph.D.
Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Monash University (AUS)
My research focuses on the sources, cycling and fate of carbon nitrogen and phosphorus in aquatic environments, and in particular their role in eutrophication in coastal environments. To understand how these elements move and cycle through the environment I combine a range of approaches including standard wet chemical methods, the eddy correlation technique, planar optodes, flumes, stable isotopes and modelling.
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Perran Cook, Ph.D.Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Monash University (AUS)

Robert SteinAssistant City Engineer, City of Newport Beach (USA)

Tim Fletcher, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Resource Management and Geography, University of Melbourne (AUS)
Tim Fletcher has expertise in stormwater quality, treatment and impacts, having written over 250 publications on the topic. His research focus has included modelling stormwater flows, quality and the performance of novel stormwater treatment and harvesting systems. He has been involved in a range of green infrastructure such as biofiltration, infiltration and green roofs. Tim was the Technology Project Leader in the Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration (FAWB) and formerly Director of the Institute for Sustainable Water Resources at Monash University. He was also an invited professor at the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon (France). Tim was one of the leaders of the team that developed the Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) and co-leads, with Assoc. Prof. Chris Walsh the Little Stringybark Creek project - a world-first attempt at catchment-scale retrofit of WSUD (with the aim of restoring the ecological health of the creek). Tim has also been involved in the design and monitoring of several large-scale pilot green infrastructure projects in both Australia and France. From May 2011, Tim has been an ARC Future Fellow and Professor of Urban Ecohydrology, based at the University of Melbourne.
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