UCI Graduate Student Kathleen Low Awarded Reasearch Scholarship by Newkirk Center for Science & Technology
UCI’s own Kathleen Low has been awarded a scholarship from the Newkirk Center for Science & Technology for her project studying the resiliency of urban supply water systems under climate change stress. She was chosen from a pool of over 70 applicants. The PIRE team would like to congratulate Kathleen on this great accomplishment.
Kathleen is developing a water supply model that links climate change models with social change models, in order to predict a city’s vulnerability to water supply disruption over the next 50 to 100 years. This project is being carried out with the help of three faculty at UCI (Professors Stanley Grant, Jean-Daniel Saphores, and David Feldman), a hydrology expert at the the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (Dr. Ashmita Sengupta), and faculty from the University of Melbourne (Australian Research Council Future Fellow Dr. Murray Peel and Associate Professor Mike Stewardson) and the Cooperative Research Center for Water Sensitive Cities at Monash University (Professor Rebekah Brown).