PIRE Team to Produce Book on Water Sustainable Cities

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PIRE Team to Produce Book on Water Sustainable Cities

The PIRE team has been awarded a contract to produce “The Water Sustainable City: Science, Policy and Practice.” To be published by Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd (UK) in 2015. The text will provide a timely, accessible introduction to the challenges in providing low-energy options to improve water productivity in cities. Aimed especially at graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and practitioners, the proposal was lauded by one reviewer as providing “. . . one of the very few (books) that treat cities and water explicitly, and the only one at its level that addresses these concerns with serious scientific and technical acumen . . . without ignoring the political angle.” Drawing on the insights of NSF-PIRE collaborators, the authors – including Dave Feldman (lead author/editor), Stan Grant, Jean-Daniel Saphores, Sunny Jiang, Ashmita Sengupta, Lindsey Stuvick, Lisa Levin, and Richard Ambrose – will address public health, ecological, economic, and governance issues.

David Feldman Stanley grant Jean-Daniel Saphores Sunny Jiang
Dr. David Feldman Dr. Stanley Grant Dr. Jean-Daniel Saphores Dr. Sunny Jiang


Ashmita Sengupta picture-595 Lisa Levin Rich Ambrose-UCLA
Dr. Ashmita Sengupta Lindsey Stuvick
Dr. Lisa Levin Dr. Rich Ambrose



